Photos of veges can be found in the 'Photos' section above.
Happenings March 2004
There is a shiney glasshouse here now which will help the growing season either side of norm, besides being a great place to watch the rain coming down from.
The paddock in general suffers with an excess of water in the winter and lack of it in the summer. The potager is probably the best place for consistency as it is nearly all raised in beds (for drainage)
and has tap water readily available.
Thrushes, starlings and pesky pukekos frequent the garden and I'm sure help to keep slug and snails at bay. There are three or four large bricks around that always have mounds of empty snail shells around them. The birds are getting quite tame and don't move too far away when I potter, which I have just come to realise is not necessarily a good thing, they don't take waving arms and cussing in their general direction literally. Oh, and yeah, so much for the cats!